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Posts Tagged ‘Completion event channel ’

int ibv_destroy_comp_channel(struct ibv_comp_channel *channel);int ibv_destroy_comp_channel(struct ibv_comp_channel *channel); Description ibv_destroy_comp_channel() destroys a Completion event channel. The destruction of a Completion event channel will fail if any CQ is still associated with it. Parameters Name Direction Description channel in Completion event channel...

struct ibv_comp_channel *ibv_create_comp_channel(struct ibv_context *context);struct ibv_comp_channel *ibv_create_comp_channel(struct ibv_context *context); Description ibv_create_comp_channel() creates a Completion event channel for an RDMA device context. This Completion event channel is an abstraction introduced by libibverbs that does not exist in the InfiniBand Architecture verbs...